Communicating passion for the oneness of the Body of Christ (John 17:21).

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.


Jim has been with me through many trials and tribulations. My daughter is biracial and a lesbian. As a mother, I want the best for my children. I felt that I had somehow failed my daughter. I was at a loss. Jim stepped in and was my guide. He helped us both through her identity crisis. He gave her support and skills to make the right decisions for her. He helped me understand what she was going through and how best to support her. He was supportive as she dealt with an abusive partner. Jim helped me as a parent, cope with the fact that she was an adult and making her own decisions. He embraced her personality, loud and happy, and gave her the support that she needed while also giving me the support that I needed. He continues to be a part of her life guiding her through life’s ups and downs.  – Harriet Fontenot


…displays walking humbly with God through Jesus Christ  – Carolyn Modeen


Since Jim Alexander leads by example and has inspired me and others to live out the UCC’s purpose “To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves,” I support him wholeheartedly.   – Joyce Stoffers


Coming from a very different background, “UCC-world” represented a challenge to him organizationally and theologically. Undaunted, he embraces a Spirit-led faith that continues to deepen; he has a clear, well-articulated commitment to peace, justice, and full inclusion for all in the church’s life. He has open eyes to the new forms of faith community emerging in these times. He has my full support.  – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester


He believes in Jesus the Christ, but supports others who understand or experience God differently. – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander


…it revealed to me the ability he had for demonstrating the love of Christ – without hesitation and without question.  – Jane Zukowski


Jim holds active membership in The Palms UCC & is committed to the church being a united & uniting church as in John 17:2 -that all may be one through the power of the Holy Spirit.  – Malinda Case


My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage


Acknowledging Jesus Christ as the sole Head of the Church.

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.

Coming from a very different background, “UCC-world” represented a challenge to him organizationally and theologically. Undaunted, he embraces a Spirit-led faith that continues to deepen; he has a clear, well-articulated commitment to peace, justice, and full inclusion for all in the church’s life. He has open eyes to the new forms of faith community emerging in these times. He has my full support.  – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester

He believes in Jesus the Christ, but supports others who understand or experience God differently. – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander

Jim holds active membership in The Palms UCC & is committed to the church being a united & uniting church as in John 17:2 -that all may be one through the power of the Holy Spirit.  – Malinda Case

Jim has been with me through many trials and tribulations. My daughter is biracial and a lesbian. As a mother, I want the best for my children. I felt that I had somehow failed my daughter. I was at a loss. Jim stepped in and was my guide. He helped us both through her identity crisis. He gave her support and skills to make the right decisions for her. He helped me understand what she was going through and how best to support her. He was supportive as she dealt with an abusive partner. Jim helped me as a parent, cope with the fact that she was an adult and making her own decisions. He embraced her personality, loud and happy, and gave her the support that she needed while also giving me the support that I needed. He continues to be a part of her life guiding her through life’s ups and downs.  – Harriet Fontenot

Since Jim Alexander leads by example and has inspired me and others to live out the UCC’s purpose “To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves,” I support him wholeheartedly.   – Joyce Stoffers

…displays walking humbly with God through Jesus Christ  – Carolyn Modeen

My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage


Exhibiting a commitment to lifelong spiritual development and faithful personal stewardship.

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.


Jim is articulate and a life long learner. He is an excellent speaker and writer. He takes pride in his understanding of the English language and it shows in both his speech and his writing. He is very organized and is a great leader. Working with Jim in a professional capacity was a pleasure. He was always prepared and things were ready on time. Jim is also well versed at delegating and checking up to make sure that all expectations are met. He is a true leader in all ways.  Harriet Fontenot 


He works well with folks across a spectrum of beliefs, interests, and abilities. He strives for excellence in all things, and does so with an infectious spirit that inspires and uplifts. He is effective at recruiting, motivating, training, and encouraging working teams. He takes good care of the people he shepherds – tending to their spirits as much as their production. Jim is ultra-reliable, emotionally secure, spiritually mature, and exhibits the finest in ministry ethics and boundaries  – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester


He expressed a genuine calling to take his ministry beyond music and into pastoral care, and I could see his skills and faith that would lead to success as a pastor.  – Rev. James Meadows


As to the Marks of Ministry specified by the UCC– we understand that Jim hasn’t followed the traditional MDIV / Ordination path. However, we find that his Southern Baptist ordination and 30 years of ministry, as well as his theological growth and ministry here affirm his readiness, gifts, passion and call to ministry in the United Church of Christ at the Church of the Palms.

As a man of deep faith, Jim’s dedication and relentless energy in maturing and perfecting his ministry skills are unparalleled.

The Holy Spirit flows through his words and heart, as evidenced by his preaching, prayerfulness and presence.  – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander


Jim has a deep commitment to the scriptures and diligently uses scripture as the foundation for his preaching and for the selection of liturgy and music when preparing worship. He also demonstrates a genuine commitment to prayer and applies that commitment to everyday life situations. This commitment has only strengthened and grown in the time that we have known him, as well as his passion to serve in the church and be a Pastor to the people.  – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus;   David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus 

For the past thirty plus years I’ve observed Jim’s sense of call grow and develop into adulthood through his involvement in church life. In fact, I credit Jim as a catalyst of my own faith journey and sense of call into ministry. His passion for the church, his ministry through music, and his love for God influenced me even as a young teen. Still today, his life continues to be a witness to me through his devotion to Christ, his sensitivity to the Spirit, his love for God, and his commitment to ministry. As many can testify, ministry is not always a bed of roses and the thorns can be quite painful, so one wonders why Jim would persist as he has. Only a deep and abiding sense of God’s call can explain Jim’s persistence in ministry. His faith journey has taken him into many denominational scenarios and carried him through some difficult struggles, which has only served to solidify his calling and strengthen his faith. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus

Though he has experienced many life changes, through them all he has consistently exhibited a strong sense of call to the ministry. Jim’s testimony and persistent involvement in ministry demonstrates that he understands the difference between a deep spiritual call from God as apposed to simply a vocational choice. It is this spiritual call to which Jim has committed his life. –  David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus 


When he experienced his hardships, as we all have had to do, I saw the transition: He was finally broken, and what emerged was the beautiful soul of a humble servant. He no longer relied on his great talent; he no longer offered his “gift” to God. He offered his total life, and in the humbleness of this broken servant, God was able to bless me, and I’m sure, everyone else who has ever heard him preach the gospel, lead a choir, or sing a solo. – Steven Dale Zukowski 


Jim has been continuing discernment to his calling to ordained ministry, which includes being guided by the Holy Spirit & understanding the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, work, & call.   – Malinda Case


My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage

Understanding the power of the Holy Spirit at work through the elements of Christian worship to nurture faith.

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.


…the specific times he showed his love of God’s world, and his compassion for the people in it, when he created the service for my dearest friends’ son, a very young man who had taken his own life. Jim’s loving help and ministry in creating the celebration of Seth’s life, and giving comfort to the devastated family and friends who loved Seth, was nothing less than extraordinary. He assuaged despair, and instilled hope, and reminded us all of the way God loves ALL His Children.

This past year, my own son, Ben, was diagnosed with a fatal tumor. He suffered a year and a few months of slow deterioration of body, and mind. Through it all, Jim was supportive and continues to be so as we prepare the celebration of Ben’s life. He has continued to nurture and coax us moving forward through our griet anger, and pain, by being a reminding example of the way we are to proceed through hardships.  Dawn Bell


Each time he speaks the messages on Sundays he ties the messages and the music together.  Amy Alves


He blends traditional with innovative approaches, which having been a university professor, I truly appreciate. During one service when the message focused on the many ways in which we can worship, he didn’t just list the 6 ways in a conventional homily in a specific part of the service, but interjected them throughout, reinforcing them with appropriate parts of the service. For example, the opening hymn introduced the theme of worship with “O Worship the King,” The section “We worship through giving” was followed by the offertory; “We worship through praise,” was followed by the congregation singing 2 verses from “Sing Praise to God” and “Lord I Lift Your Name on High” followed by the choir singing “All People That On Earth Do Dwell.” This integration of sermon and song made for a service that flowed seamlessly and made the points easier to remember in methodical modules.  – Joyce Stoffers


His music ministry nurtures this congregation. It is clear to me that Jim seeks and follows the leading of the Holy Spirit in his sermons. He has the ability to get the attention of the listeners, and offer them new ways, or just remind them of tried and true ways to enhance their personal faith journey.  Janet Hutchins


In his professional preparation for worship, he excels. His artistry in the design of worship encompasses a wide variety of worshipers. He is an architect in worship- whether it be prayer, song, litany, art and visual elements, sermon, communion, or funeral. His results are consistently excellent and prophetic. Jim is called by God; he meets the Marks of Ministry.  – Rev. Paul A. Whitlock


His gifts for and call to ordained ministry are immediately evident to anyone with whom he has served. Jim turned around a struggling music program in a matter of weeks, and the tum-around had as much to do with his pastoral ability as his superb musical talents.

He works well with folks across a spectrum of beliefs, interests, and abilities. He strives for excellence in all things, and does so with an infectious spirit that inspires and uplifts. He is effective at recruiting, motivating, training, and encouraging working teams. He takes good care of the people he shepherds – tending to their spirits as much as their production. Jim is ultra-reliable, emotionally secure, spiritually mature, and exhibits the finest in ministry ethics and boundaries  – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester


I was able to observe and experience his faith and passion for ministry, not only through his skills in music, but in his love and care for many others in the congregation. Jim made hospital visits, and was especially pastoral to members of the choir and their families. He preached and served in various capacities in worship services, and took an active part in worship-planning. – Rev. James Meadows


As to the Marks of Ministry specified by the UCC– we understand that Jim hasn’t followed the traditional MDIV / Ordination path. However, we find that his Southern Baptist ordination and 30 years of ministry, as well as his theological growth and ministry here affirm his readiness, gifts, passion and call to ministry in the United Church of Christ at the Church of the Palms.

The Holy Spirit flows through his words and heart, as evidenced by his preaching, prayerfulness and presence…he’s the pastor to the choir and their families.  – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander


Jim is all about is sharing God through the music. It is, quite frankly, impossible to think of Jim Alexander and not recognize his musical abilities.

The choir is constantly inspired by his professional leadership and the end result. People are brought out of their shell and singing solo when they never thought that they could. To me, this translates into effecting a person’s life beyond the doors of the church. That is ministry.

For decades he has assisted in developing worship services from the order of worship to matching hymns and anthems to the day’s message. He constantly strives to enhance the worship experience. Jim has been involved in creating many unforgettable Sundays because of his knowledge of the big picture. He is professional and a perfectionist at the same time.  – Jeff Scruggs


When he experienced his hardships, as we all have had to do, I saw the transition: He was finally broken, and what emerged was the beautiful soul of a humble servant. He no longer relied on his great talent; he no longer offered his “gift” to God. He offered his total life, and in the humbleness of this broken servant, God was able to bless me, and I’m sure, everyone else who has ever heard him preach the gospel, lead a choir, or sing a solo. – Steven Dale Zukowski 


For the past thirty plus years I’ve observed Jim’s sense of call grow and develop into adulthood through his involvement in church life. In fact, I credit Jim as a catalyst of my own faith journey and sense of call into ministry. His passion for the church, his ministry through music, and his love for God influenced me even as a young teen. Still today, his life continues to be a witness to me through his devotion to Christ, his sensitivity to the Spirit, his love for God, and his commitment to ministry. As many can testify, ministry is not always a bed of roses and the thorns can be quite painful, so one wonders why Jim would persist as he has. Only a deep and abiding sense of God’s call can explain Jim’s persistence in ministry. His faith journey has taken him into many denominational scenarios and carried him through some difficult struggles, which has only served to solidify his calling and strengthen his faith. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus


Though he has experienced many life changes, through them all he has consistently exhibited a strong sense of call to the ministry. Jim’s testimony and persistent involvement in ministry demonstrates that he understands the difference between a deep spiritual call from God as apposed to simply a vocational choice. It is this spiritual call to which Jim has committed his life. –  David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus 


Jim was the first Director I had ever worked with who prayed with and for us as a choir and as individuals and whose guiding philosophy is that we, as a choir, are not just singers- we are Worship Leaders! The choir is not just there to lead the congregation in singing but to enhance and enliven their worship experience. He encouraged us to not just know the notes and the words of the hymns/songs but to feel and believe the message we are bringing and to impart that to the congregation in body, mind and spirit. I know that for myself and for many who have worked with him over the years in several churches and two denominations that he is committed to Building Transformational Leadership Skills.  – Toni and Steven Berg


Jim has been continuing discernment to his calling to ordained ministry, which includes being guided by the Holy Spirit & understanding the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, work, & call.   – Malinda Case


My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage







Continuing discernment of one’s call in community

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.

He works well with folks across a spectrum of beliefs, interests, and abilities. He strives for excellence in all things, and does so with an infectious spirit that inspires and uplifts. He is effective at recruiting, motivating, training, and encouraging working teams. He takes good care of the people he shepherds – tending to their spirits as much as their production. Jim is ultra-reliable, emotionally secure, spiritually mature, and exhibits the finest in ministry ethics and boundaries. – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester

He expressed a genuine calling to take his ministry beyond music and into pastoral care, and I could see his skills and faith that would lead to success as a pastor.  – Rev. James Meadows

As to the Marks of Ministry specified by the UCC– we understand that Jim hasn’t followed the traditional MDIV / Ordination path. However, we find that his Southern Baptist ordination and 30 years of ministry, as well as his theological growth and ministry here affirm his readiness, gifts, passion and call to ministry in the United Church of Christ at the Church of the Palms. – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander

I have witnessed how, when he came to terms with being gay, he was able to identify the difference between the love of Christ and the opinion of people. This was a struggle for him, and I am thankful that I was in his life at this time and was able to offer what support I could. It was in this time, that I too found the true Christ, and because of Jim began attending church for the first time in my life.  – Jeff Scruggs

When he experienced his hardships, as we all have had to do, I saw the transition: He was finally broken, and what emerged was the beautiful soul of a humble servant. He no longer relied on his great talent; he no longer offered his “gift” to God. He offered his total life, and in the humbleness of this broken servant, God was able to bless me, and I’m sure, everyone else who has ever heard him preach the gospel, lead a choir, or sing a solo. – Steven Dale Zukowski 

For the past thirty plus years I’ve observed Jim’s sense of call grow and develop into adulthood through his involvement in church life. In fact, I credit Jim as a catalyst of my own faith journey and sense of call into ministry. His passion for the church, his ministry through music, and his love for God influenced me even as a young teen. Still today, his life continues to be a witness to me through his devotion to Christ, his sensitivity to the Spirit, his love for God, and his commitment to ministry. As many can testify, ministry is not always a bed of roses and the thorns can be quite painful, so one wonders why Jim would persist as he has. Only a deep and abiding sense of God’s call can explain Jim’s persistence in ministry. His faith journey has taken him into many denominational scenarios and carried him through some difficult struggles, which has only served to solidify his calling and strengthen his faith. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus

Though he has experienced many life changes, through them all he has consistently exhibited a strong sense of call to the ministry. Jim’s testimony and persistent involvement in ministry demonstrates that he understands the difference between a deep spiritual call from God as apposed to simply a vocational choice. It is this spiritual call to which Jim has committed his life. –  David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus 

Jim has been continuing discernment to his calling to ordained ministry, which includes being guided by the Holy Spirit & understanding the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, work, & call.   – Malinda Case

My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage


Being Called to Ordained ministry by God and the Church.

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.

I sat in your position for five years as I chaired the Commission on Ministry in the 1990s for the Florida Region of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I understand the magnitude of your decision. Twenty-six years ago, I would have been voting, “no”, simply on Jim’s lack of a seminary degree. Times are different now. Church has changed. I have evolved. I now understand that there are many paths to serving God. Thirty years of ministry counts for something! Jim is, in word and deed, a pastor as much as anyone I have ever met. Jim is called by God; he meets the Marks of Ministry.

In his professional preparation for worship, he excels. His artistry in the design of worship encompasses a wide variety of worshipers. He is an architect in worship- whether it be prayer, song, litany, art and visual elements, sermon, communion, or funeral. His results are consistently excellent and prophetic. Jim is called by God; he meets the Marks of Ministry.  – Rev. Paul A. Whitlock

His gifts for and call to ordained ministry are immediately evident to anyone with whom he has served. Jim turned around a struggling music program in a matter of weeks, and the tum-around had as much to do with his pastoral ability as his superb musical talents.

He works well with folks across a spectrum of beliefs, interests, and abilities. He strives for excellence in all things, and does so with an infectious spirit that inspires and uplifts. He is effective at recruiting, motivating, training, and encouraging working teams. He takes good care of the people he shepherds – tending to their spirits as much as their production. Jim is ultra-reliable, emotionally secure, spiritually mature, and exhibits the finest in ministry ethics and boundaries  – Rev.  Leonard W. Silvester

Jim was our Music Director and Pastoral Assistant during a crucial time at COTP, due to the health issues of our Ministries Coordinator and Associate Pastor… Jim’s service to Palms was invaluable during those months when he and I (along with our Office Coordinator) had to cover the duties of those two staff persons.

I was able to observe and experience his faith and passion for ministry, not only through his skills in music, but in his love and care for many others in the congregation. Jim made hospital visits, and was especially pastoral to members of the choir and their families. He preached and served in various capacities in worship services, and took an active part in worship-planning.

He expressed a genuine calling to take his ministry beyond music and into pastoral care, and I could see his skills and faith that would lead to success as a pastor.  – Rev. James Meadows

As to the Marks of Ministry specified by the UCC– we understand that Jim hasn’t followed the traditional MDIV / Ordination path. However, we find that his Southern Baptist ordination and 30 years of ministry, as well as his theological growth and ministry here affirm his readiness, gifts, passion and call to ministry in the United Church of Christ at the Church of the Palms. – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander

When he experienced his hardships, as we all have had to do, I saw the transition: He was finally broken, and what emerged was the beautiful soul of a humble servant. He no longer relied on his great talent; he no longer offered his “gift” to God. He offered his total life, and in the humbleness of this broken servant, God was able to bless me, and I’m sure, everyone else who has ever heard him preach the gospel, lead a choir, or sing a solo. – Steven Dale Zukowski 

Jim has been continuing discernment to his calling to ordained ministry, which includes being guided by the Holy Spirit & understanding the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, work, & call. – Malinda Case

We currently have a Pastoral team that is set to propel us forward as a proactive force in our community by being the epitome of the extravagant welcome in our world. Personally, I believe that Jim Alexander is an integral member of this team.  – Janet Hutchins

My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage

My Calling in This Present Time and Place


Praying actively and nurturing spiritual practices

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.

He works well with folks across a spectrum of beliefs, interests, and abilities. He strives for excellence in all things, and does so with an infectious spirit that inspires and uplifts. He is effective at recruiting, motivating, training, and encouraging working teams. He takes good care of the people he shepherds – tending to their spirits as much as their production. Jim is ultra-reliable, emotionally secure, spiritually mature, and exhibits the finest in ministry ethics and boundaries. – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester

I was able to observe and experience his faith and passion for ministry, not only through his skills in music, but in his love and care for many others in the congregation. Jim made hospital visits, and was especially pastoral to members of the choir and their families. He preached and served in various capacities in worship services, and took an active part in worship-planning. – Rev. James Meadows

Pastoral Care: My husband, Allan, served with the U.S. Army during the VietNam War. He was exposed to agent orange (daily) and has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. (We recently celebrated fifty years of marriage). On March 16, 2017- 1 met with Jim at the church. I have been having a very difficult time dealing with the disease’ progression. Maybe, because of Jim and me both having a musical background, I have felt a “connection” to him. His kindness and mannerisms helped me to express my feelings. He is a very good listener and very compassionate. After our discussion, we prayed together for several minutes. This was/is very important to me. have felt much better after our meeting. I know that he holds Allan and me in his prayers. I have felt so much more at peace ever since.  – Doris E. Gott

When I was hospitalized a year ago it was Jim that walked through my hospital room door. Jim that came to comfort and pray with me. It happened at a time when our church was in transition between senior pastors. We were shorthanded with our interim pastor out of town, but Jim saw a need and jumped in to fill it. He listened, we talked, and then we prayed. I believe that caring for the sick is one the THE most important roles of the church. To hear the reassuring voice that God is with you and watching over you. – Frank Bauknecht

Jim demonstrates the third mark of being surprised by the Holy Spirit. I see this as being intuitive. He noticed I was having a difficult time because I had to attend rehearsal instead of meditation class that met on the same day. I thought the only way I could achieve peace of mind was through quiet time at meditation class, but he showed me through allowing me to take a meditation break at rehearsal that I could achieve that same peace of mind. As a result, I was able to be successful at rehearsal and was awarded a solo that was very important to me.  – Diana Garrett

In his professional preparation for worship, he excels. His artistry in the design of worship encompasses a wide variety of worshipers. He is an architect in worship- whether it be prayer, song, litany, art and visual elements, sermon, communion, or funeral. His results are consistently excellent and prophetic. Jim is called by God; he meets the Marks of Ministry.  – Rev. Paul A. Whitlock

As to the Marks of Ministry specified by the UCC– we understand that Jim hasn’t followed the traditional MDIV / Ordination path. However, we find that his Southern Baptist ordination and 30 years of ministry, as well as his theological growth and ministry here affirm his readiness, gifts, passion and call to ministry in the United Church of Christ at the Church of the Palms. – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander

I have witnessed how, when he came to terms with being gay, he was able to identify the difference between the love of Christ and the opinion of people. This was a struggle for him, and I am thankful that I was in his life at this time and was able to offer what support I could. It was in this time, that I too found the true Christ, and because of Jim began attending church for the first time in my life.

In 2009, I was placed on a transplant list for a kidney and a pancreas. The years leading up to this were extremely trying for Jim and our families. I was near death many times. Jim was there for my family with words of encouragement and support. This was his partner dying, and yet, he had it within him to comfort others who were in need. I was blessed with the double transplant in 2010, and Jim continues to support me as I continue to deal with the challenges along the way.  – Jeff Scruggs

When he experienced his hardships, as we all have had to do, I saw the transition: He was finally broken, and what emerged was the beautiful soul of a humble servant. He no longer relied on his great talent; he no longer offered his “gift” to God. He offered his total life, and in the humbleness of this broken servant, God was able to bless me, and I’m sure, everyone else who has ever heard him preach the gospel, lead a choir, or sing a solo. – Steven Dale Zukowski 

For the past thirty plus years I’ve observed Jim’s sense of call grow and develop into adulthood through his involvement in church life. In fact, I credit Jim as a catalyst of my own faith journey and sense of call into ministry. His passion for the church, his ministry through music, and his love for God influenced me even as a young teen. Still today, his life continues to be a witness to me through his devotion to Christ, his sensitivity to the Spirit, his love for God, and his commitment to ministry. As many can testify, ministry is not always a bed of roses and the thorns can be quite painful, so one wonders why Jim would persist as he has. Only a deep and abiding sense of God’s call can explain Jim’s persistence in ministry. His faith journey has taken him into many denominational scenarios and carried him through some difficult struggles, which has only served to solidify his calling and strengthen his faith. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus

Though he has experienced many life changes, through them all he has consistently exhibited a strong sense of call to the ministry. Jim’s testimony and persistent involvement in ministry demonstrates that he understands the difference between a deep spiritual call from God as apposed to simply a vocational choice. It is this spiritual call to which Jim has committed his life. –  David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus 

Jim was the first Director I had ever worked with who prayed with and for us as a choir and as individuals and whose guiding philosophy is that we, as a choir, are not just singers- we are Worship Leaders! The choir is not just there to lead the congregation in singing but to enhance and enliven their worship experience. He encouraged us to not just know the notes and the words of the hymns/songs but to feel and believe the message we are bringing and to impart that to the congregation in body, mind and spirit. I know that for myself and for many who have worked with him over the years in several churches and two denominations that he is committed to Building Transformational Leadership Skills. – Toni and Steven Berg

Jim has been continuing discernment to his calling to ordained ministry, which includes being guided by the Holy Spirit & understanding the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, work, & call. – Malinda Case

Jim, knowing my anguish, offered to take her to the Vet for me. We had
tentatively setup for him to pick her up on a Thursday evening. She passed quietly at home the afternoon before. Although I know we are talking about an animal, she was a member of our family who was very loved. Jim gave me peace of mind knowing that he was there to help me through this tough time in our lives. – Harriet Fontenot

I believe it is in part due to Jim and this expression of devotion to his Church and Faith, that my Mother has returned to attending Church of the Palms on Sunday mornings. My Family and I are grateful to Jim Alexander.   – Mark Masny

My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage

Loving God, following Jesus Christ, and being guided by the Holy Spirit; living a life of discipleship.

The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.

In his professional preparation for worship, he excels. His artistry in the design of worship encompasses a wide variety of worshipers. He is an architect in worship- whether it be prayer, song, litany, art and visual elements, sermon, communion, or funeral. His results are consistently excellent and prophetic. Jim is called by God; he meets the Marks of Ministry.  – Rev. Paul A. Whitlock

His gifts for and call to ordained ministry are immediately evident to anyone with whom he has served. Jim turned around a struggling music program in a matter of weeks, and the tum-around had as much to do with his pastoral ability as his superb musical talents.

He works well with folks across a spectrum of beliefs, interests, and abilities. He strives for excellence in all things, and does so with an infectious spirit that inspires and uplifts. He is effective at recruiting, motivating, training, and encouraging working teams. He takes good care of the people he shepherds – tending to their spirits as much as their production. Jim is ultra-reliable, emotionally secure, spiritually mature, and exhibits the finest in ministry ethics and boundaries  – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester

Jim was our Music Director and Pastoral Assistant during a crucial time at COTP, due to the health issues of our Ministries Coordinator and Associate Pastor… Jim’s service to Palms was invaluable during those months when he and I (along with our Office Coordinator) had to cover the duties of those two staff persons. – Rev. James Meadows

As to the Marks of Ministry specified by the UCC– we understand that Jim hasn’t followed the traditional MDIV / Ordination path. However, we find that his Southern Baptist ordination and 30 years of ministry, as well as his theological growth and ministry here affirm his readiness, gifts, passion and call to ministry in the United Church of Christ at the Church of the Palms. – Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander

I have witnessed how, when he came to terms with being gay, he was able to identify the difference between the love of Christ and the opinion of people. This was a struggle for him, and I am thankful that I was in his life at this time and was able to offer what support I could. It was in this time, that I too found the true Christ, and because of Jim began attending church for the first time in my life.

The choir is constantly inspired by his professional leadership and the end result. People are brought out of their shell and singing solo when they never thought that they could. To me, this translates into effecting a person’s life beyond the doors of the church. That is ministry.

In 2009, I was placed on a transplant list for a kidney and a pancreas. The years leading up to this were extremely trying for Jim and our families. I was near death many times. Jim was there for my family with words of encouragement and support. This was his partner dying, and yet, he had it within him to comfort others who were in need. I was blessed with the double transplant in 2010, and Jim continues to support me as I continue to deal with the challenges along the way.  Jeff Scruggs

During and after the divorce, I particularly needed understanding and consolation from family and friends. It was soon quite clear that I was an outcast- in my family circle, my church, and in most of the community. The one person who never wavered was Jim. He talked with me, cried with me, and prayed for me. He made contact with pastors in the town where I had moved, asking them to visit and reach out to me…it revealed to me the ability he had for demonstrating the love of Christ – without hesitation and without question.  – Jane Zukowski

When he experienced his hardships, as we all have had to do, I saw the transition: He was finally broken, and what emerged was the beautiful soul of a humble servant. He no longer relied on his great talent; he no longer offered his “gift” to God. He offered his total life, and in the humbleness of this broken servant, God was able to bless me, and I’m sure, everyone else who has ever heard him preach the gospel, lead a choir, or sing a solo. – Steven Dale Zukowski 

For the past thirty plus years I’ve observed Jim’s sense of call grow and develop into adulthood through his involvement in church life. In fact, I credit Jim as a catalyst of my own faith journey and sense of call into ministry. His passion for the church, his ministry through music, and his love for God influenced me even as a young teen. Still today, his life continues to be a witness to me through his devotion to Christ, his sensitivity to the Spirit, his love for God, and his commitment to ministry. As many can testify, ministry is not always a bed of roses and the thorns can be quite painful, so one wonders why Jim would persist as he has. Only a deep and abiding sense of God’s call can explain Jim’s persistence in ministry. His faith journey has taken him into many denominational scenarios and carried him through some difficult struggles, which has only served to solidify his calling and strengthen his faith. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus

Though he has experienced many life changes, through them all he has consistently exhibited a strong sense of call to the ministry. Jim’s testimony and persistent involvement in ministry demonstrates that he understands the difference between a deep spiritual call from God as apposed to simply a vocational choice. It is this spiritual call to which Jim has committed his life. –  David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus 

Jim was the first Director I had ever worked with who prayed with and for us as a choir and as individuals and whose guiding philosophy is that we, as a choir, are not just singers- we are Worship Leaders! The choir is not just there to lead the congregation in singing but to enhance and enliven their worship experience. He encouraged us to not just know the notes and the words of the hymns/songs but to feel and believe the message we are bringing and to impart that to the congregation in body, mind and spirit. I know that for myself and for many who have worked with him over the years in several churches and two denominations that he is committed to Building Transformational Leadership Skills. – Toni and Steven Berg

Jim has been continuing discernment to his calling to ordained ministry, which includes being guided by the Holy Spirit & understanding the power of the Holy Spirit in his life, work, & call.   – Malinda Case

Jim, knowing my anguish, offered to take her to the Vet for me. We had
tentatively setup for him to pick her up on a Thursday evening. She passed quietly at home the afternoon before. Although I know we are talking about an animal, she was a member of our family who was very loved. Jim gave me peace of mind knowing that he was there to help me through this tough time in our lives. – Harriet Fontenot

I believe it is in part due to Jim and this expression of devotion to his Church and Faith, that my Mother has returned to attending Church of the Palms on Sunday mornings. My Family and I are grateful to Jim Alexander.   – Mark Masny

My experience of Jim is that he is a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. He is unassuming, and yet equipped to lead this fellowship of believers in their own personal Christian journeys. He is open, and enthusiastic about his faith, and his own personal faith journey. In his sermons, he encourages believers to have active faith lives, and to let their faith shine through in their everyday lives by how they treat others, by seeking out God in the everyday and everyone, and taking the time to go inside and listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit in their lives. – Janet Hutchins

My Personal Statement of Faith

My Faith Pilgrimage