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Jim embodies the core values of the United Church of Christ in everything he does. God’s love flows through Jim’s words and his presence in times of grief and joy. Church of the Palms, Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander
He exposes the congregation to a variety of experiences in music and arts. He works with others in the community to provide additional opportunities. – Bill and Jeannie Reeves
Jim has also shown a desire to continue his theological development through independent study. He has sought out advise on appropriate reading that will help him with that task, and is open to regular theological dialogue with other clergy. We do think Jim would benefit from a spiritual director who could help him continue to develop a more formal plan of spiritual formation. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus; David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus
Though our thoughts can be different, he has never made me feel like there isn’t room at the table for my, or anyone else’s, point of view. In our world that is becoming more and more divisive, it is refreshing and essential to have those in the pulpit who share from their soul, explain with their brain, and encourage with their heart so that all of us may find our unique path to the creator. – Wendy Whitlock
Theological “Groundedness” and Ecumenical Orientation: Social Justice and Ecumenism are increasingly important functions of our ministries. Jim has been very supportive of these immerging components of our church life. Jim speaks with confidence and credibility when discussing the importance of following the teachings of Jesus and not being distracted by man-made barriers that create walls of separation and sow seeds of disharmony rather than harmony. Jim preaches and practices love of God and love of all our brothers and sisters (all of God’s children). His is a courageous champion for the love that Jesus taught, and a living testimonial that those who some may reject have a place in God’s kingdom and an important role to play in the life of the church here on earth. Jim encourages all to reach out, be open, and do the mission work of the church. He is an individual who is trusted and respected by all who know him. – Pat & John Durbin
“Participating in Theological Praxis” – Jim demonstrates appreciation for & participation in the ecumenical & interfaith partnerships. He has been enthusiastic & instrumental in The Palms choir singing with other churches during Holy Week services where we’re at another church or that we host- all of which usually requires more effort on his part than if The Palms choir did it alone. Jim has led Hymn Sings held at The Palms as part of summer
ecumenical sings. When The Palms hosts its Week of Prayer service that includes 8- 10 churches, Jim helps see that the music enhances the service. He will lead part of a September multi-faith retreat in Prescott Jim’s use of his music-related gifts integrates theological reflection in teaching, preaching, & ecclesial community leadership, as well as demonstrates an appreciation for & participation in the ecumenical & interfaith partnerships of the UCC. – Malinda Case
For the past thirty plus years I’ve observed Jim’s sense of call grow and develop into adulthood through his involvement in church life. In fact, I credit Jim as a catalyst of my own faith journey and sense of call into ministry. His passion for the church, his ministry through music, and his love for God influenced me even as a young teen. Still today, his life continues to be a witness to me through his devotion to Christ, his sensitivity to the Spirit, his love for God, and his commitment to ministry. As many can testify, ministry is not always a bed of roses and the thorns can be quite painful, so one wonders why Jim would persist as he has. Only a deep and abiding sense of God’s call can explain Jim’s persistence in ministry. His faith journey has taken him into many denominational scenarios and carried him through some difficult struggles, which has only served to solidify his calling and strengthen his faith. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus
Jim and I were teachers together at an inner city school in Phoenix. Our students were 99% Hispanic and 95% second language learners. All of our students received free breakfast and lunch. Jim made a major impact on the lives of his students. He embraced their culture and celebrated with them. He also opened their eyes to a world they didn’t know existed. He set the example we all want for our children. He dressed professionally. He shared their culture. He showed that he was a life long learner and how important it is. He introduced them to cultures around the world. He gave them the skills that they needed to succeed in life. – Harriet Fontenot
Caring for and Equipping the Entrusted