The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.
During one service when the message focused on the many ways in which we can worship, he didn’t just list the 6 ways in a conventional homily in a specific part of the service, but interjected them throughout, reinforcing them with appropriate parts of the service. For example, the opening hymn introduced the theme of worship with “0 Worship the King,” The section “We worship through giving” was followed by the offertory; “We worship through praise,” was followed by the congregation singing 2 verses from “Sing Praise to God” and “Lord I Lift Your Name on High” followed by the choir singing “All People That On Earth Do Dwell.” This integration of sermon and song made for a service that flowed seamlessly and made the points easier to remember in methodical modules. – Joyce Stoffers
What a joy to discover Jim Alexander at the church. He is more than a great musician, he is my pastor and my husband’s pastor, too. He is a skilled public speaker, biblically based, with sound UCC theology- which was a “must” for us. He has the ability to make the scripture come alive in new and exciting ways. I have heard many preachers in my 85 years. Some have been good at preaching, while others, have not been. Jim is a good preacher because he engages the text and shares personal stories with which I can relate. – Mary Whitlock
For the first time since I have known him, he has been allowed to deliver the message. Even though we live together, I am never aware of what he will talk about or how it will be delivered. I have been delighted and moved each time he is at the pulpit. His style is endearing. His addition of comedy is very well received. He then has the ability to tie it all together and make it relative to the day’s scripture. – Jeff Scruggs
Jim has a deep commitment to the scriptures and diligently uses scripture as the foundation for his preaching and for the selection of liturgy and music when preparing worship. He also demonstrates a genuine commitment to prayer and applies that commitment to everyday life situations. This commitment has only strengthened and grown in the time that we have known him, as well as his passion to serve in the church and be a Pastor to the people. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus
Rev. David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus
Jim’s preaching reflects his study & understanding of Scripture with citations & application of relevant passages & verses in ways that bring life to & bring to our Jives the sacred stories. – Malinda Case
He has excellent communication skills. His preaching is thoughtful, well researched and guided by solid biblical principles. He interjects humor when appropriate and gives wonderful life situation and personal stories to engage his listeners. He prays with compassion and conviction. When we have communion and Jim is assisting, he brings a strong sense of sanctity to the activity. – Pat & John Durbin
We encourage Jim to continue exploring the theological diversity of the UCC…In summation, it is clear to us that Jim Alexander’s call to ministry in the United Church of Christ is God directed. He has met the Marks of Ministry as outlined by the UCC, Southwestern Conference. We enthusiastically recommend full recognition of his previous Southern Baptist ordination and approval of his call of ordained ministry at The Church of the Palms, United Church of Christ. – Members In Discernment committee for Jim Alexander
He has preached inspiring messages that have caused me to reflect and stretch in my thinking on religious matters. Jim and I come from distinctly different schools of thought in Christian thinking. I can be rather stuck in my ways in regards to my beliefs, and I wasn’t sure how much insight I would gain from his teaching. Shame on me, for on the contrary, Jim has an engaging, narrative style of preaching, and more than once, I have been deeply drawn into his message. From this, I have been willing to see more than one side of a story. – Wendy Whitlock