The comments below support this Mark of Ministry. To read the reference in its entirety, please click on the bold text at the end of each comment.
In his professional preparation for worship, he excels. His artistry in the design of worship encompasses a wide variety of worshipers. He is an architect in worship- whether it be prayer, song, litany, art and visual elements, sermon, communion, or funeral. His results are consistently excellent and prophetic. Jim is called by God; he meets the Marks of Ministry. – Rev. Paul A. Whitlock
His gifts for and call to ordained ministry are immediately evident to anyone with whom he has served. Jim turned around a struggling music program in a matter of weeks, and the tum-around had as much to do with his pastoral ability as his superb musical talents.
My initial intuition was confirmed as I watched his ministry reach beyond music and change lives. A man of deep personal faith, his commitment to Christ shines in what he says and does. At the same time, he is not rigid or overbearing.
He works well with folks across a spectrum of beliefs, interests, and abilities. He strives for excellence in all things, and does so with an infectious spirit that inspires and uplifts. He is effective at recruiting, motivating, training, and encouraging working teams. He takes good care of the people he shepherds – tending to their spirits as much as their production. Jim is ultra-reliable, emotionally secure, spiritually mature, and exhibits the finest in ministry ethics and boundaries – Rev. Leonard W. Silvester
The choir is constantly inspired by his professional leadership and the end result. People are brought out of their shell and singing solo when they never thought that they could. To me, this translates into effecting a person’s life beyond the doors of the church. That is ministry.
For decades he has assisted in developing worship services from the order of worship to matching hymns and anthems to the day’s message. He constantly strives to enhance the worship experience. Jim has been involved in creating many unforgettable Sundays because of his knowledge of the big picture. He is professional and a perfectionist at the same time. – Jeff Scruggs
Watching Jim through these years has been the most consistent Christian testimony I have had. God will continue to use him as he makes himself available to Him, and I am honored to recommend him for any position you may have. Jim just wants to be of service to our Lord. The harvest is so great… – Steven Dale Zukowski
We have always considered Jim to be very innovative when it comes to ministry. We believe his creativity is one of the qualities that empower the individuals he engages with, which impacts the church body as a whole. We consider this creativity to be the work of the Spirit in Jim’s life. In the churches we’ve had the privilege of serving in with Jim, this creative leadership has helped to facilitate growth and spark new commitments in the life of the church.
In the political climate we live in and the amazing diversity that is our humanity, we’ve seen how Jim connects with all people with compassion, gentleness and sensitivity. Just as we are all on journey and are being conformed to the image of Christ, this has been evident over the many years we’ve known Jim. He has matured in his understanding of who God is, who God has made him to be, and how to be Christ’s presence in this world. This growth has definitely shaped his character, which has ultimately changed how he lives in relationship to others, as well as his work ethic. He has always had a very strong sense of commitment to the church and to his personal relationships. – Rev. Nancy Gunn, Minister of Worship, Church at Cactus; David Gunn, Pastor, Church at Cactus
…he persuaded love and self-discipline, rather than anger and reactive complaint. When they began to be unable to lead effectively, and fell into their own funk and despair, Jim stepped in and assuaged anger and rebellion among the parishioners, not with admonishment, but rather with reminders of how we were to conduct ourselves in Christ’s name. – Dawn Bell
He encouraged us to not just know the notes and the words of the hymns/songs but to feel and believe the message we are bringing and to impart that to the congregation in body, mind and spirit. I know that for myself and for many who have worked with him over the years in several churches and two denominations that he is committed to Building Transformational Leadership Skills. – Toni and Steven Berg
Jim regularly witnesses to God’s redeeming power in our choir setting, including prayers for us &for by us. He is sensitive to our diverseness. Many of my experiences with Jim are choir related where necessary & appropriate administrative tasks required for effective results are performed efficiently (mostly behind the scenes), so that we’re not confronted with ‘surprises’ reflecting lack of preparation that impede our shared goal of joyfully making a joyful noise. – Malinda Case
He has been instrumental in revitalizing the choir, the Board of Music and Fine Arts and the Care and Concern Committee. Because of his leadership, we have significantly improved our Sunday services by coordinating of the audio-visual equipment and training of the individuals running this equipment. He has organized and inspired members of the Care and Concern Committee by improving the data base and making information accurate and available when needed. He has reached out to lay leaders in the church to provide input to the monthly church newsletter and web page. Jim is a great listener and is always very genuine in his dealings with church members. He is honest and open in facing challenges and recognizing success. Through these leadership efforts our church has a renewed sense of purpose and mission. – Pat & John Durbin
Reaching into the modern world, Jim takes charge of the electronics in church. On the outside, this may not seem as essential as other parts of ministry. However, if we are to maintain a relationship with those under 40, we have to strive to find ways to connect in less traditional means. One of my favorite parts of the service is the artistic slides that accompany the various parts of the service. Jim recognizes that many modalities are needed to reach many different learners. As a visual person, I find the color and vibrancy of the pictures he selects engaging and thought provoking. He also leads the Worship and Fine Arts Ministry that finds other ways to en live the sanctuary with beauty. I find myself in conversation with people after worship not only about what we heard, but about what we saw. The artist in me is grateful for the connections to the spiritual realms found through the visual stimulus Jim presents to me during worship. – Wendy Whitlock
Jim demonstrates the third mark of being surprised by the Holy Spirit. I see this as being intuitive. He noticed I was having a difficult time because I had to attend rehearsal instead of meditation class that met on the same day. I thought the only way I could achieve peace of mind was through quiet time at meditation class, but he showed me through allowing me to take a meditation break at rehearsal that I could achieve that same peace of mind. As a result, I was able to be successful at rehearsal and was awarded a solo that was very important to me. – Diana Garrett
His music ministry nurtures this congregation. It is clear to me that Jim seeks and follows the leading of the Holy Spirit in his sermons. He has the ability to get the attention of the listeners, and offer them new ways, or just remind them of tried and true ways to enhance their personal faith journey. – Janet Hutchins
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